If we could look at Eating Disorder illness under a microscope what might we see?
When looking at Eating Disorder Illness through the high-resolution microscope of Depth Psychology we can identify 4 – specific dimensions that appear to be primary to the psychological infrastructure of this complex Mental Health condition. These dimensions include; Core Belief Programming, Compensatory Belief Programming, Behavior Ritual Programming and Neural-Physiological Pathway Programming. These dimensions work together to form a system that achieves and maintains the eating disorder illusion which surrounds control over body shape and body weight. These dimensions create a gravitational pull that holds the individual onto this weight and body conscious treadmill going no-where.
Considering the first dimension labeled Core-Belief Programming we can see that this dimension is constructed with layers of core beliefs that the Eating Disordered individual has internalized as one develops definitions surrounding one’s identity and worth. It is this first dimension that is most directly impacted by Patriarchal codes and values. There exist 3- elements within the feminine psyche that are susceptible to Patriarchal influence. These elements include; the existential need of the feminine to be acknowledged as a whole being by the masculine, the feminine desire to attract the masculine (irresistibility), and Father hunger.
What exactly is Patriarchy?
Generally defined Patriarchy is male dominance. This surrounds the notion that the male is dominant by natural rights that come with being the protector and the provider. The position of dominance in and of itself is benign. Whether the dominance is fixed or fluid between the masculine and the feminine, it is not by nature a bad thing. Dominance does however take a step towards a darker place with the introduction of entitlement. There does then exist within the Patriarchal realm the Dark King. The Dark King fears the truth surrounding his dependence on the feminine and compensates by holding forth his muscle and might as evidence and justification of his supremacy and dominance over the feminine. Consequently, this dark strain of patriarchal dominance is actually constructed upon a platform of fear. The Dark King uses the male dominance card to create the illusion that he does not need the feminine. He is immune to her charms and gifts and need not feel the truth of his reliance on her ways nor even on her womb. The Dark King’s reliance is washed away with the bravado of entitlement. How indeed can one be dependent upon one, that is beholden to the other. These charms and services offered by the feminine are simply disposable pleasures and comforts to which the masculine is by gender right entitled. Thus, the Dark King declares the feminine to be purposed with service to the masculine and ladies, please, service with a smile of gratitude for being given such an enormous privilege. It is a grand illusion designed to do one thing excuse the male from the truth that even his very existence relies upon the existence of the feminine. The male then need never see the face of his own vulnerability.
This dark Patriarchal strain of male dominance is accompanied by the privilege known as sexual entitlement suggesting that the feminine is obligated to serve the male sexual appetite including the gratification of masculine sexual hunger. Should we consider the presence and purpose of sexual hunger and its natural role within the human condition we would find that it is both benign and purposeful in its design. Sexual hunger plays a critical role in both the survival and growth of humanity at large. It is a healthy human instinct. It is, however, the coupling of masculine lust and macho sexual entitlement that casts male sexual hunger into the role of villain. The Dark King of Patriarchy poses that the dominant male is considered to be entitled to sexual gratification at the female’s expense both because the male is considered to be superior in importance and value and because the feminine is submissive and only considered to have value surrounding how it is, she can serve the male. This suggests that at least within the narrow confines of this particular Patriarchal circle the feminine inherits the notion that the masculine is the true authority surrounding her identity and worth. As Neal females develop it might be said that it would be difficult for them to form feminine identity definitions that are truly independent from Patriarchal code. This might be true because of how the Dark King’s male dominant attitudes and conventions are so deeply woven into cultural patterns and social norms. Whether bold or subtle Patriarchal code influence leads the feminine towards a definition of their gender that suggests a value platform that surrounds service to the masculine.
How does the feminine cope with the Dark King’s, rule?
Once on this platform females tend to discover a program continuum for the feminine that includes defying the beauty code or embracing it. Overall females will tend to find this continuum to be both confining and oppressive. Consequently, as with most forms of subjugation the feminine would likely seek to free herself from this Patriarchal prison ruled by the Dark King. This might be true because while there might even be some wiggle room for females to express their individuality along this continuum, the feminine soul would sense that true freedom may more likely be realized in the discovery of a female platform that is completely autonomous from Patriarchal code. This may however, be a difficult pursuit for the feminine primarily because females have, for so long, been culturally programmed to support patriarchal code with as much if not more ferocity than the males who were originally beholden to its laws. Thus, the feminine in the midst of attempts to free herself from the Dark King’s rule, is oft times sabotaged by the very females whom she is trying to set free. This might be true because females over time have learned how to play the Dark King’s game so well that they are even better at it than the King himself. Having achieved such high levels of comfort and confidence with their navigation of the Patriarchal code females may feel that leaving the Patriarchal kingdom is no longer so urgent or necessary.
Why are dark strain Patriarchal, sexual attitudes designed to reduce the feminine?
Historically Patriarchal sexual attitudes in the dark tend to be designed to cast the feminine into the role of disposable pleasure, a sexual product to be pursued, acquired, consumed and discarded. Those who buy in to treating the feminine like a commodity quickly become well-schooled in the ritual of ‘reductionism’ which involves the 4- step process, (sexualize -objectify – depersonalize – dehumanize), by which a sentient female human being is reduced into a sexual product.
Why we might ask is this reductionism process required? Why is it so central to this Patriarchal culture? The answer to these questions lies in the meaning of the word sentient. Humans are Sentient Beings meaning that they are self-aware and – intelligent – with a soul whom possesses – free will, human rights, divine worth, spiritual purpose. The above 7- elements make human beings in their natural holistic state impossible to consume. If you are craving a cheese burger you would not proceed to the nearest farm slap a hunk of Velveeta on a cow and attempt to take a bite. So, it seems for the purposes of consumption the whole must be reduced. Thus, to consume a sentient being sexually, the being must be reduced by a process that removes the Sentient elements from that being.
Here is how reductionism works as a process to reduce human beings into pliable material that can be used to fulfill sexual consumption appetites, designs, and agendas. First, you must Sexualize the person by assigning the being with a sexual gratification purpose and identity while removing all non-sexual features. (Look at how she dresses. She is a slut.).
Second, you must Objectify the person by assigning property definitions and classifications to the being. (Look at that hot piece of ass). The word piece is a property word and reduces the being into something that can be owned and operated as the owner sees fit.
Third, you must Depersonalize the being by removing the soul from the individual’s body so that the consumer’s sexual appetites are permitted to take precedence over the person’s self-awareness, human dignity and intelligence. Things like dignity and intelligence interfere with sexual entitlement appetites. (I like chicks who don’t talk. I like my bitches blonde and dumb.) Chicks and bitches suggest property that is soul-less, primarily possessing a sexual gratification purpose. The absence of a soul also allows the consumer to keep the conscience from interfering as it might, with bouts of guilt or remorse. Employing Patriarchal entitlement tactics the sexual consumer pushes back on the conscience with justifications like; “I’m not doing anything wrong if it’s a just a slut who puts out”.
Fourth, you must Dehumanize the being by removing the person’s human rights. (You let me into your apartment that means you want sex. No means yes. Females are only good for one thing.). Imagine the escalation of entitlement quotients awakened within the sexual consumer alone, in a room with human sex appeal that has no human rights. This outcome is strategic.
This design includes a growing sexual excitement with each reduction step for the male sexual consumer. This means that the closer the male gets to completing the reduction process, the closer they get to pure animal brain. It seems that this reptile state of consciousness may well have been the goal all along. This might suggest that the sexual excitement that comes with stripping the sentient female being of her human rights to safety, security, dignity, freedom, and mutual consent, is less about the notion of power and more about the pleasure of depravity. The role of power seems to have more to do with the truth that depraved states of consciousness are more easily achieved from power positions. This implies that power is a means to an end, a doorway, if you will, to a state consciousness that holds greater measures and purer strains of pleasure chemicals.
Thus, it could be said that it is then only after the 4th step of this 4-step process that actual admission into the lower brain is truly granted. This means that the process of reducing the feminine into a sexual product is paralleled by the process of degrading the masculine into a state of depravity. This means that during those moments of reptile consciousness both beings must be perceived by the patriarchal code to be less than human. This is true because depravity and humanity cannot occupy the same space. Depravity is essentially the absence of humanity.
This information on the process of reductionism is intended to cast light on the subject of reducing something from its natural whole into something less. It is also intended to reveal some of the strategic agendas of the psychological programming found within the Patriarchal code. One such strategy suggests a deliberate process that is designed to reduce the feminine into a product that is purposed to serve the male sexual appetite while at the same permit the masculine to explore depraved appetites otherwise known to many as Pandora’s Box. This suggests that this dark Patriarchal strain may be less about power and more about the pursuit of consumption states of consciousness that cater to inhuman appetites.
It should be said that there is a continuum surrounding the pursuit of Pandoa’s box of appetites. This continuum ranges from most depraved to least depraved. We should note that there is evidence to support that empathy deficits tend to be present in those Patriarchs who lean towards the pole of most depraved appetites. It should also be noted that the reductionism process is so programmed into the masculine perception that boys and men might be less than conscious of the precise steps in this process. This is due to the fact that the code structure behind the Patriarchal presentation is ancient. This is systemic psyche software running a program the is filtered into the minds of both genders. That program nurtured and cultivated is handed down from generation to generation by way of old code operating behind a new culturally palatable mask. Not all males will buy into the masking as we can be certain that there are males who are more conscious and deliberate with this process of reducing the feminine into sexual products boldly showing their true agendas. We can also be certain that pornography has played a major role with normalizing this process of debasement.
How does Patriarchy influence the feminine to place so much importance on body shape and body weight?
Even now 2 – decades into the new Millennium the female, according to ‘Bro-Code’ science, is still primarily weighed and measured by her sex appeal. The Patriarchal sex appeal scale reduces feminine allure to a continuum that ranges from beautiful to ugly. Thus, the necessity to be sexually alluring or at the very least not ugly, continues to be an undue burden cast upon the female sentient being at ages that are alarmingly tender. This Patriarchal eye-wear handed out free of charge to Neal girls everywhere begins to normalize a distorted perception of the body universe. Sex appeal according to this distorted patriarchal code, becomes the primary way in which the feminine can serve the masculine. At the same time the masculine is the appointed authority on what is sexually appealing. It is in this way that the core belief structure within the feminine psyche is formatted to believe the premise that the masculine will not even note their existence if they are not meeting some basic criteria of patriarchal perception surrounding sexually appealing shapes and sizes.
As a culture we have reached a new normal surrounding the premium that is placed upon achieving and maintaining a shape that solicits sexual desire. It has actually become existential for both the old and the Neal. The new law is that if you are not sexually attractive by some very specific shape and size standards then you cease to exist. You become invisible, not just ignored or over-looked but more so like you are really not there at all. Consider for a moment the impact that this has upon the psychology of Neal girls in development, fledgling female minds saddled with the notion that the weight of your very existence rests upon the frame and form of your body. What must it be like to look at your body in the mirror only able to see your shape through this Patriarchal lens?
Given these terms it would not be surprising to find body and physique vigilant girls in a majority of grade schools across the country. This might be true not only because these girls all seem to have a very clear picture of what your body should look like but even more so because they have an even better vision of what it should NOT look like. This suggests to the feminine that even if you are not all that interested in the pursuit of sex appeal just DON’T whatever you do, be anything close to ugly. This causes the feminine to focus on the measure of ugly with even greater sensitivity than on the measure of beautiful. The literal lines are drawn and the specific definitions are locked in on these physique appearance standards at a very early age. Ugly means that a line in the sex appeal physique template has been breached. This can be felt when the girl feels a distension internally like stomach distension. Therefore, tummy distension equals ugly. This sets the stage for the foundation of the core psychological infra-structure of all eating disorders, self-blame and self-loathing. Working in tandem, self-blame, (there is something wrong with me, something wrong with my body) and self-loathing, (I am ugly, I hate my body, I hate myself) create a state of consciousness at the core of the individual called toxic shame.
Toxic shame in all of its forms is both irrational and pathological. It is irrational because it is simply not true. You are not to blame because you did nothing wrong, and you are not ugly or deserving of self-hatred just because you are a pear attending an apple and orange convention. It is pathological because self-blame and self-loathing form a closed thinking system that constructs an impenetrable cycle of suffering. This devotion to suffering becomes a self-contained, circular thinking system designed to do one thing; distract you from the truth about your authenticity, including your authentic shape. This pathological shame accomplishes this rather amazing feat by normalizing suffering and making a suffering lifestyle appear emotionally logical, which is to say, ‘it feels right’. As a matter of fact, as many an ED sufferer will tell you, “the only time I feel right is when I am suffering”.
Why do females play into the traps of Patriarchal influence?
Why we might ask would any of these bright and beautiful female souls fall for something as cliche as these Patriarchal pleasure principles? How could they not see through this production and distribution of this one size fits all template that dictates and determines what is candy to the Patriarchal eye? To answer this question, we must dig a little deeper into the core psychology of the feminine psyche.
As if the existential reasons for being sexually appealing are not enough to compel females towards a hyper-vigilance surrounding body shape and weight there is also a fundamental sexual component in the natural design of the female sexual brain that compounds the problem. The female sexual brain contains a dimension that Doctors Ogi Ogas and Sal Goddam in their book ‘A Billion Wicked Thoughts’ call the Magic Hoo Hoo. To define it simply, there is a natural and compelling desire within the female sexual brain to be irresistible. This means that physically the female wants strongly to be wanted sexually just in general (mass sex appeal) and psychologically wants to be sexually desired so irresistibly by her chosen mate (mate sex appeal) that he will not even be able to see nor consider to want any other woman. This is both a natural and healthy characteristic in the female brain. This is ancient, gender-specific sexual brain code. It is by design an instinct that compels the feminine to cultivate her sex appeal to attract a mate. This feminine sense of being irresistible is also generally a prerequisite to the female feeling a desire to engage in sexual activity. When the female does not feel sexy about herself, she may be less inclined to engage in sexual activity.
It seems that the importance of ‘the Magic Hoo Hoo’ to the feminine is supported by general anthropological studies surrounding courtship and mating rituals. The female does tend to want to be chased. She may tend to conclude, chasing means that I am wanted. Being wanted means that there is something about me that is driving the masculine and the mate towards me. Do I have IT or do I not have IT? If I do have IT how do I make IT stronger? How do I keep IT and keep IT going strong at a competitive level? The Eating Disorder lifestyle does offer the illusion of a sense of control over that, ‘IT’ and it does seem logical that this might appeal to the feminine as a way to master their own individual sex appeal.
Given the enormous pressure placed on the feminine to maintain sex appeal we might see how the feminine may find a true friend in the Eating Disorder. Considering that the female, must not only cater to patriarchal perceptions but must at the same time respond to her own internal instincts that compel her to stir masculine desire. This leads to a clash of both internal and external forces pushing the feminine to pursue the requirements of sexual attraction at all costs. Even if she resists the external patriarchal push towards making ‘sexy’ a priority her own instincts stand up and say “but I really do want to be sexy. I want to be sexy for me. Not ‘sexy’ for the sake of attention but more so, just ‘sexy’ for the sake of my natural desire to be desired”. This brings the feminine back to the problem of what is ‘sexy’ and leads her back to what seems to be the only game in town that being the Patriarchal notions of sexy.
This suggests that the female sexual brain may at the core be measuring this natural individual feminine irresistibility (sex appeal) by a Patriarchal template. The feminine may not be considering the possibility that Patriarchal vision may well be the poorest instrument for identifying the authentic sexual shape which one particular feminine soul finds to be her ‘irresistible’. This means that that genuine ‘irresistibility’ in the feminine soul would require that she is feeling a ‘sexy’ that she would call whole and desirable rather than a ‘sexy’ that she would call reduced and conditional. Conditional ‘sexy self’ is carved out by the female by obeying suffering rituals that shape her physique into a market valued product. Authentic ‘sexy self’ is discovered by the female by looking within her feminine mystique to find her original shape. Conditional surrounds the belief that the only qualified authority surrounding personal ‘irresistibility’ resides with experts in the external universe. These experts, who are generally masculine follow the codes of patriarchal weights and measures that set the conditions of sex appeal market value. Authenticity surrounds the belief that there exists a divine intention of you. This existential notion suggests that one’s Authentic Self is that being within you that is rich in the knowledge of your singular purpose and worth. That being is whole and complete, even pristine, a being that cannot be added to nor subtracted from. A being that stands majestic, impervious to distortion, holding to your original shape, immovable in your authentic design. This notion suggests that you alone are the only qualified authority surrounding your personal ‘irresistibility’. This means to find it you must journey within yourself to find that unique irresistible magic that awaits your discovery.
What is Father Hunger and what role does it play with persuading the feminine to consider an eating disorder lifestyle?
It could be said that of all the mysterious forces within the feminine psyche that move her towards the masculine none are as mystical or compelling as Father Hunger. This natural wanting residing deep within the inner country of the female being is by design the magnetizing element that serves to bind the feminine to the masculine and vice-versa. Father Hunger defined surrounds the craving within the feminine soul to be held by a masculine presence that is a source of potency and light. This masculine light source has the presence to fill the feminine container with the strength of security while at the same time surrounding her with an energy that empowers both her promise and potential. This inner craving within the woman-child is ancient feminine code tracing back to a place and a time that even precedes tribal lore.
Consulting tribal teachings to better understand Father Hunger we might consider the masculine references to Sky-Father. Sky Father surrounds the adventure of acquiring self-reliance while also pursuing one’s vision quest to find one’s place in the circle, something we might call one’s spiritual mission. Sky Father also refers to the sun referencing again the notions of potency and light. This suggests that the feminine craves the warmth (potency) and light (vision) of the sun. The idea of Sky-Father as a source of empowerment for the feminine suggests that the feminine seeks a masculine presence that empowers her to realize her natural potential to reproduce life while at the same time illuminating the promise of her unique spiritual mission. This also suggests that the Father in the Sky has the unique vantage point to offer these gifts to the feminine. His ability to surround the feminine with warmth and light is made possible by the geography of his position. He is able to see things that she cannot see from this place that is located above her. In this portrayal we can see that this characterization of the position of dominance is benign. This suggests a perception of Patriarchy that is quite different from the prevailing Patriarchal winds promoted by the Dark King.
The Patriarchal influence of the Dark King on Father Hunger surrounds the entitled King’s, Machiavellian ability, to use this mystical force within the feminine against her. The feminine craving for the masculine sun is told that in order for me to shine on you, you must exist, in that I must see you through my Patriarchal lens as irresistible. If you meet the standards of that Patriarchal perception of irresistible sex appeal, including the shedding your sentient qualities, and are willing to be consumed by me then I may shine my light on you. However, in order to maintain that light that I so shine, you must maintain that irresistible, soul-less form. If you can meet these conditions then I will feed your father hunger.
In short, the Dark King is saying that the best way to feed your Father Hunger is to not eat. The best way to maintain the masculine gaze over time is to be consumed by your devotion to the male desire to consume you.
In conclusion we might say that if a team of programmers had been specifically tasked to write an eating disorder software program to be deliberately placed into the feminine psyche, they would be hard pressed to have developed a better design than the Dark Patriarchal King himself.
Larry Marshall is a Licensed Professional Counselor at Greenway Therapy . Learn more about him on his BIO page.