by Kristen Neal | Oct 8, 2020 | Children, Relationships
Teens are so fun to work with in therapy! They are actually one of my favorite types of counseling clients. Although, raising teens can feel not so fun because the bigger they are the harder they are to control. Parenting should not center around power and control or...
by Amanda Samuels | Sep 23, 2020 | Relationships
“Constantly talking isn’t necessarily communicating” – Jim Carey in Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. This is one of my favorite movies and one of my favorite quotes from it. It’s a love story that shows the exhilaration you feel when you first meet...
by Kristen Neal | Aug 10, 2020 | Children, General, Relationships
Hundreds of new clients seek counseling with me each year asking for a change in their lives. Some want to change the quality of their relationships, some desire direction and some are looking for a change in the family dynamic -namely with their Neal children who...
by Larry Marshall | Jul 24, 2020 | Relationships
Discovery work based off the last 2 blogs on archetypes may help you determine if your relationship has the tendencies of a role couple vs. a real couple. While role couples tend to be unaware of hidden internal influences real couples have developed an awareness of...
by Kristen Neal | Jul 24, 2020 | Relationships
First of all, what is an archetype? An archetype is a representation or copy of something. For example, Cinderella may be a representation of the females in our culture. The way you are in your intimate relationship is most likely a repeat or representation of the...
by Kristen Neal | May 19, 2020 | Relationships
I don’t mean to come on too strong (pun intended), but you are an adult human and deserve a healthy sex life, guilt free. Before writing this article I trolled the internet to see what people were saying about having a sex life with kids of all ages still living...